Phrases for tattoos are an inseparable part of this expressive art that is becoming increasingly popular today. Usually, these are phrases. They make great sense and come to show the world your own way of thinking, your beliefs and your character.
When you decide to get a tattoo, this usually has a certain relationship with an important moment of your life and, therefore, each tattoo has some meaning and some message hidden or not so hidden from the sight of others.
If you want your tattoo to contain some of the phrases for tattoos in your native language or in another living or even dead language to make it more mysterious and meaningful, you must select the one that best corresponds to the message you wish to convey.
To help you in your search in this article, we will present prayers for tattoos in different languages along with their meanings and a selection of photos to illustrate them.
Words or images? And why not both at once?
Since language was invented, words have been a powerful weapon. They were used for many purposes, from making people go to war to making women fall in love with eloquent men. The right words can change your perspective and even inspire you to do great things.
Although an image can say more than a thousand words, an image created from words is more powerful than any other image.
Phrases for tattoos are very popular today. From teenagers who want to make a statement to Hollywood stars who want to give their fans something to talk about, you can see tattoo quotes everywhere.
That is why we have compiled the most beautiful, moving and inspiring tattoo quotes that will leave a great impression, so you have a place to start. A base of inspiration. Maybe you already know the words you want, but do you need some ideas on how to put them on your skin?
In addition to choosing the quote that best describes you, you should pay attention to other elements, such as color, font, design and language.
When it comes to color, you can choose black and underlined in the bold part of the sentence, or you can choose different colors for each word. The source adds spirit to your tattoo quote.
The extravagant fonts are amazing for quotes that are supposed to be fun, while love quotes are usually written in italic letters. The design and complementary decoration allow you to let your imagination fly.
You can add different symbols, colors and even letters from other old languages. Last but not least, language is also important. You must decide if your tattoo will be in English, in your native language or even in some other foreign language that you like and that has some importance for you.
Latin tattoo quotes
As we have already mentioned, if you choose that the phrase of your tattoo is in Latin, this will add even more mystery to the tattoo and the reasons that have caused it.
In addition, prayers in Latin are an indisputable part of the wisdom of mankind and are used in many areas of science and art. For this reason, it is a good idea to choose some of the phrases for tattoos in Latin, which best reflects your way of being, of course.
It's no secret that Angelina Jolie likes tattoos. Everyone knows the tattoo that was made in honor of her now ex-husband, Billy Bob Thornton and who later covered.
And the advertising photos of the great soccer player David Beckham often show his bare back, revealing the names of his sons tattooed in thick black ink.
Although he was now dead, Latin was in ancient times the universal language spoken in Europe at least since the first century before Christ. , and it is a language that we can all understand more or less, since many of the modern words derive from it.
Here are some phrases for Latin tattoos that will leave excellent significant tattoos:
alis grave nil (or alis grave nihil) – nothing is heavy for those who have wings
alis volat propriis (or alis propriis ea volat) – he or she flies with his own wings
audax en fidelis – bold but faithful
auribus teneo lupum – I grab the wolf by the ears (this means I'm in danger, but I don't give up, I face danger)
carpe noctem: seize the night (unlike carpe diem, which means: seize the day)
castigat ridendo mores – laugh, correct morality is to say that the way to change the rules is to point out how stupid they are
cogito ergo sum – I think so I exist
credo quia absurdum est – I believe in this because it is absurd
dum vita est, spes est – while there is life there is hope
esse quam videri (or videri quam esse) – to be and not to appear to be
ex nihilo nihil fit – nothing comes from nothing
faber est quisque fortunae suae – every person builds their own destiny
Felix fails: a happy failure, an apparent mistake or a disaster that ends with a happy ending
luceat lux vestra – Let your light shine (or shine)!
Luctor et emergo, fight and victory.
Nil Desperandum – Never despair
no ducor duco – I'm not directed, I direct
qui audet adipiscitur – he who does not risk does not win
semper ad meliora – always towards the best
sic itur ad astra – so one goes to the stars: such is the road to immortality
temet nosce – know yourself
come, vidi, vici – I have come, I have seen and I have won
verba volant, scripta manent – the spoken word flies, the written letter remains
Veritas Lux Mea – The truth is my light
vincit qui se vincit (or bis vincit qui se vincit) – Victory belongs to the one who defeats himself (the motto of many educational institutions)
live ut live – live to live
vox nihili – voice is nothing
How to design a Latin tattoo?
Fortunately, unlike word and phrase tattoos in Hebrew and Arabic, Latin phrases are quite easy to translate.
As with any tattoo that is done in a foreign language other than yours, make sure you have done your homework. We've all heard the stories of people who get tattoos in other languages that look good but don't mean anything, or worse, mean something they didn't intend or even the opposite of what they wanted them to say.
Recheck the translation using several sources before printing the tattoo phrases you have chosen on your skin. Because the Latin language is extinct, you will not be able to find a native speaker. Worse, there are several ways to ensure that the translation is correct, either using several online translators or confirming its accuracy with a teacher or academic specialized in Latin.
Arabic tattoo phrases
Some people like to show their ideas and thoughts with symbolic images and for others, the best way to express themselves is written text.
Each person has a word, an appointment or even a passage that means a lot to them and wants everyone else to know. However, it is possible that written words (that someone else has already been tattooed) and that are quite common may not seem very attractive.
These tattoos not only look original, they are also very mysterious. The Arabic font and the Arab tattoos have a cursive flow of letters that make them seem extravagant and out of this world.
You can get everything you want written in the Arabic font. And, in addition, you can also decorate your quote or word with other interesting and significant symbols.
If you like Arabic culture or language, or have something to do with your origin, Arabic tattoos are always a great way to convey your thoughts and messages. Combined with important phrases (in Arabic), these phrases for tattoos can become great works of art.
In addition, your tattoo will always be hidden by the mystery because many people will not understand its true meaning and it will be you who decides who deserves to know the mystery.
Look at the photos of the Arab tattoos that we offer here to see how they look. But if you decide one, find out well and check the meaning of the phrase and its spelling to avoid the risk of misunderstanding.
Chinese tattoo phrases
Tattoos with Chinese symbols have been very popular in the western world in the last decade, and still are today. The Chinese characters are beautiful and represent small pieces of art, exotic, mysterious and very suitable for a tattoo design.
However, these tattoo symbols are only made by Westerners, you will rarely see a Chinese with a tattoo like that. But the opposite is happening: in China, it is now fashionable to have tattoos with phrases for tattoos in English, usually full of spelling mistakes.
Not surprisingly, Europeans prefer the art and writing of traditional Chinese culture because they have elegant lines that lend themselves perfectly to tattoo art.
He discovered the truth when he noticed the effect that his tattoo had on a woman who worked in a Chinese restaurant, who translated the tattoo reluctantly. Upon returning to the tattoo shop, he discovered that it had already closed … ”
So in addition to looking for a reliable source for the translation of the message written with Chinese characters, you must ensure that the artist in the selected tattoos can reproduce the translation correctly.
Find a tattoo artist who has had experience with Chinese character tattoos and can write them correctly.
Phrases for tattoos in English.
For Spanish speakers and others whose mother tongue is not English, perhaps the phrases for tattoos in English are the most popular and popular.
There are many, they sound good, they are understood by everyone, but they are still in a foreign language that makes them more original than those written in their own language.
Regardless of whether you choose to get a tattoo with a phrase in your language or another, ask for it in advance. Choose the phrase carefully and confirm your translation safely.
Then, you can think about the font, the size of the letters and whether or not there will be any additional decoration.
Always choose tattoo artists with experience and good reputation, for best results!
It is not necessary that the tattoo be large and striking, the phrase will tell you everything and will convey the desired message.