When it comes to getting a tattoo, it will be very important that we think well about where we want our body to be marked forever, since the site we choose will directly influence both the type of design we choose and its size. For example, if you have a very visible and large drawing in mind, the most appropriate places will be areas such as arms, back or body torso. However, if what you want is to get a smaller and more discreet tattoo, the fingers in the hand They are one of the most recommended places for you. But what is the meaning of finger tattoos?
Small finger tattoos can have a wide variety of meanings that will also depend on the type of drawing you have chosen. However, although its concept depends on the design in each case, it is true that in general terms a tattoo on the fingers can tell us that the person in question is a simple individual but, in turn, with a singular personality And very attractive.
In addition to these characteristics, choosing your fingers to get a tattoo also shows that you are a person who likes small details, since the drawings in this area are usually quite concise: a name, a specific phrase, a heart, a geometric shape, etc.

As we indicated in the previous section, a tattoo on the fingers will have one meaning or another depending on the type of design you are going to choose. However, in addition to the meaning it may have, we also recommend that you consider the following advantages and disadvantages of getting a tattoo on your fingers:
Advantages of a tattoo on the fingers
- It is a rather discreet place: even if it is in a visible place, finger tattoos are usually quite discreet due to their size. Also, if at any time you want to hide them, you can easily do it with rings or gloves.
- They are original and novel: unlike tattoos in other parts of the body, the drawings on the fingers are a trend of recent beauty. In addition, due to the place, these types of designs are unique, attractive and striking.
- Wide variety of designs: although you think that the fingers are a part of the body that greatly limits the ideas for a tattoo, the truth is that you can currently find an infinity of designs for this area of ββthe body.
Disadvantages of a tattoo on the fingers
- Pain: the fingers are inside the most painful areas when getting a tattoo. Because they have a very thin layer of skin, the needles will constantly brush the bones of the fingers, which is quite painful. However, practically all the people who have gone through this, say that the result makes it worthwhile. Do not miss this article to discover where tattoos hurt the most.
- They break down easily: the hands are limbs we work with daily, which is why tattoos on this part of the body are usually erased or damaged with some ease. In fact, if you get a tattoo on your fingers, keep in mind that you should go to a tattoo artist from time to time to review the drawing.
- It is visible: although in the advantages we have said that it is quite discreet, a tattoo on the fingers will always be visible. This can be inconvenient if your work does not allow you to wear tattoos.