Mothers-inspired tattoos are probably one of the most popular and widespread types of tattoos in much of the world. Apart from the children, once they have one, and from the fathers, the mothers are one of those symbols of constant importance in the life of each person, so it is not surprising that there are such a large number of people Choose these types of tattoos to decorate your body. In this way, the tattoos of mothers, as it may be obvious, are full of enormous meaning for the people who wear them, carrying unique and personal designs that remind us of the bond that unites that person with their mother. Take your time and enjoy our beautiful gallery of tattoo images with designs dedicated to those people so important and fundamental in our lives: mothers, we are sure you will find incredible designs that will inspire you.
She is your first love, your first hug and your first gesture of affection, taking care of us right from the first moment we are born and does not stop doing it even when we already have our own offspring and until the last of their days, it is perhaps Therefore, it may seem logical that countless people wear tattoos to proclaim their love for mothers. A mother is the truest friend, the first teacher, the one who helps solve our doubts when we are in these very complicated stages in life, with which mother tattoos are always loaded with one of the most powerful feelings and meanings within the world of body art, making visible and notorious the deep love and eternal devotion to them.
Mothers' tattoos contemplate a wide range of possibilities in terms of styles, sizes and shapes, and generally, they are often accompanied in their designs by a large number of varied elements. One of the most commonly chosen designs by most people is that of a heart with a scroll or a ribbon that crosses or wraps it, and in which the word "mom" or the name of the mother in question is read. This heart can often be accompanied by flowers, diamonds, birds, fire, wings, butterflies or even pearls. All these elements further reinforce the meaning of the tattoo, thus expressing the strong ties that bind the person who bears it with their mother.
It is evident to mention that this type of tattoo of mothers is chosen interchangeably by both men and women to decorate their body. With regard to sizes, they are usually not excessively large tattoos, and usually go from small to medium sizes, although it is true that many people opt for large tattoos to show their love for their mother. The tattoos of mothers, usually, contain great color, using bright and varied tones, and can be located in several areas of the body, although the most common are the arms and chest.
You know, if you want to show your love for your mother and keep it always present in a more visible way, a tattoo like our gallery might be a great idea. Of course, if you dare to acquire a tattoo, we recommend that you do not hesitate to go to specialized centers, because, as you well know, a tattoo is an acquisition that will accompany you on your skin for life, so you always have to go Surely
A sign with the word "mom" surrounded by clouds and green leaves. In the extremes it seems that it has two ducks but it is only the shape of the poster.
You also had to include one that belonged to the Old School style because as you have seen in the gallery, many of the tattoos dedicated to mothers are style and are always surrounded by roses, hearts and swallows. In this design the swallow is missing but everything else is there.
Sometimes a photograph can lie and not let us correctly visualize what the size of the tattoo is. In this case, this guy has used a coin so we can compare. It is a simple design of letters that form the word mom. In my view, it is too simple.
Nice red heart crowned and with large blue wings, inside which we can see a purple bow with the words mum black and franked by small stars and black dots.
The word mamma silhouetted with very fine strokes on the thumb of the left hand, in whose hand we can see a large rose whose petals have been colored red.
Heart on the shoulder, whose colors have been red and a black blur that give good shadows to the heart, to which some small yellow daisy flowers and green leaves have been added. On this occasion the word mum that accompanies the heart has been colored the same color as the daisy leaves.
On this occasion he has wanted to give an aspect that makes it different and this is the plaid fabric with which he has colored more than half of the heart. The other half has left the same fabric but in black and white. All this has been accompanied with the word mom in the center.
Recurring this one with the word mum inside the wrist. Ideal for someone who wants to express love to their mother. Many times if our family does not agree that we tattoo our skin, it may be a good idea to make one of these designs with the word mom or the name of a family member to calm the anger.
Red heart wrapped in a yellow bow with the word "mom", timeless tattoo, which never goes out of style, which many people may wear, but which is one of the best ways to express the love we feel for our mother Blessed mothers !
Another classic design with the word mum on the inside of the wrist, recurrent and widely used that expresses the love of a mother, but sometimes people tattoo it when they become a mother, not to forget the great responsibility and love that will accompany them throughout life.
Atypical and adventurous tattoo of a soldier smoking a cigar, a bit punk for the necklace he wears and for the sword and arrows that have nailed this soldier, who smokes a cigar and whose smoke that covers the entire head has been tattooed the word mum, there is also a small rocket that will soon fall on the soldier, will it give him time to finish the cigar?
Pink flower with a red background and in which you can see a cracked loop with the word mum finished with a small red heart, to make it clearer if possible, the great love you feel towards a mother.
Small heart on the back, tattooed in red and with a small crown with sparkles on one side, inside it has left the word mom tattooed for the rest of your life, as is the love of a mother, infinite and for all life.
Realistic heart with all its parts and wrap in a purple bow with the word mom. If you are clear that you want a heart with the word mom, this is an idea, something different and realistic.
Heart with the word mom in the arm. It is different because of the white bow and the small crown of thorns that surround the heart. It is a classic, which does not go out of style.
The word mom and a heart surrounded by small flowers and in the background you can see a large cross emulating the stone and next to the date 1922 at the top. It is classic in style, but this time it has found some more modern details such as the flowers that are behind the heart and give it color, instead of tattooing it only in black.
Full and colorful red heart linked by the word mom and in whose heart a very well-managed bird has landed in colors that we like very much yen whose beak carries a rope with a small anchor and is that love towards a mother always has to be anchored in our hearts and carried with care and delicacy like the one this bird carries the anchor.
The pink ribbon reminds us of cancer in women and in this case it seems that it is the date of birth and death of his mother, perhaps deceased by that damn cancer that so many people drag and that so many lives are charged in our days, nice detail so as not to forget a mother and to always keep in mind all the women who have to go through these diseases.
Red roses and green daughters, guarded by butterflies of various colors and a large green bird that arrives flying to perch on the flower. Great work has been done on the word mom for the white touch that has been given to the black strokes.
We love! Until now we always saw that the tie with the word MOM surrounded a heart, but in this case this person has had the originality of tattooing a fried potato and we think the idea is so good, while the tattoo artist has achieved a great job With a potato that makes you want to eat it, just fantastic.
Heart with the colors of a red apple, for the yellow and orange details of the blur, which has been wrapped by the word mom and under the dates, possibly of the birth and death of the mother of this tattooed. The classic idea to always keep your mother in life, even when she has already gone to heaven.
Heart wrapped by flowers and leaves with soft tones, guarded by a bird that seems to be looking at the word mom tattooed on the loop that surround the heart. Very delicate and we like it very much for how well the colors are and for the details.
Peculiar small parrot that is flying and carries on its legs a loop with the word Mom. We highlight the sympathy of the multicolored bird and the reflection of the clouds tattooed on its eyes.
Until now we were used to seeing tattoos destined to dedicate love to mothers, but this time, we have something different and it is that he not only dedicates love to his mother, but also to his father and for this he has tattooed two croated hearts of a pair of blue and gold flowers, linked with ties with the word dad and mom.
On this occasion the words mom and dad have great decorations tattooed to surround these words, as we can see some peculiar colorful flowers and the upper part of the back have been tattooed two equal birds that bear on their beaks a heart.
Tattoo of a red heart with the words dad and mom, for which it has been decided by wings over the heart and surrounded by a crown of thorns, inside which straight lines have been drawn in black and red that complete a tattoo that initially could be very typical, but that a very original work has finally been achieved.
Very realistic heart for which a white bow of black polka dots has been sewn, wrapped by another bow more worn with the words mom and dad, separated by a small black star, instead of the classic letter y.
Small heart very diffusedly colored in red and wrapped by a white bow from which on the word mom in black. The area is very successful for a woman.
Again another one of red color and with the loop of the word mom and wrapped by the disguised crown in the form of scribbles. A very recurring tattoo in the typical area and that can only be seen if you do not wear clothes or a tank top, since with a short sleeve shirt you will not appreciate the classic tattoo.
Small and delicate red heart wrapped by a white and yellow bow with the word mom and accompanied by small drawings that seem to give an image of wings to the heart.
Red and blue heart wrapped by a transparent bow with the word mom. We highlight the white glitters that have been wanted to give the heart, which together with the blue and red colors of it give an air of originality to the tattoo.
Bright heart with big glitters and covered by a big yellow bow with words in capital letters that demonstrates the great love he feels for his mother and is that a mother is the truest love a person can live throughout his life.
Colorless rose, in which the shaders play a great role just like the leaves with that air of movement they seem to have and for which it has been completed with the word mom in the center of the flower. We almost always find the word mom on a heart, but this time we see it in a flower, as are all mothers, wonderful flowers.
This man has tattooed a heart wrapped in calls and on him a ring with the word mom. If what you want is to tattoo a heart, but you don't want the classic red heart, here are some details to create a different idea of ​​the heart you want to tattoo.
Beautiful red bird, surrounded by very Christmas leaves and perched on a golden bow with the word mom in capital letters and light blue on the bow. This time we have a different and colorful tattoo, which will show the great love he feels for his mother.
Clover flower inside which a small red heart has been drawn and in whose upper part we find a loop with the word mom. Maybe I need some tweaks.
This girl has tattooed a broken sword by the words mom and in the background a shading of red cobwebs. This time the tattoo seems to tell us that the love of a mother or the love for a mother is stronger than anything, even a sword.
Gray stone cross wrapped by red flowers with green leaves and a background of what looks like rays. The cross is perched under a loop with the word mom, this tie has the same colors as the cross, which stands out above the rest.
Most tattooists are artists and here we can record a statement about it, with this beautiful scene taken from a photograph, well, the tattoo itself is a photograph that we love, as well as that intimate and endearing moment between A mother and her son. Congratulations tattooist and tattooed.
Pájaro azul y celeste que sobre su boca lleva el lazo con las palabras mum and dad, a la vez que entre el lazo sobresale una rosa roja con hojas azules y verdes. De los que no pasan nunca de moda, de los que posiblemente ya hayas visto miles, pero que si es la idea de tatuaje que tienes, cuantos más veas, más ganas tienes de hacerte el tuyo.
Paloma en tonos negros y azules sobre unas flores blancas y amarillas, acompañadas de otras flores más pequeñas de color rojo. Como podemos ver, la paloma está posada sobre el conjunto de flores y un lazo con la palabra MUM.
El clásico y tan visto tatuaje con la palabra mom en la muñeca, estamos ante el más que visto tattoo para demostrarle el amor hacia una madre, magnÃfica idea sin duda, pero que llevamos ya años y años viéndola en millones de muñecas, estamos seguros que podrÃamos buscar un poco más de originalidad y que se pusiera de moda esta palabra en otra parte del cuerpo.
MagnÃfico y espectacular tatuaje súper realista de una fotografÃa plasmada en tinta sobre la piel. En esta ocasión una preciosa escena entre una madre y un hijo es la elección de este tatuado y un gran trabajo del tatuador, de los mejores que hemos visto, sin duda un trabajo espectacular del que tenemos que felicitar al artista.
Es un diseño que estamos hartos de ver en esta galerÃa. No es más que un corazón rodeado por dos alas y con las palabras "Mamá" en letras negras sobre un cartel amerillo. Un diseño que podrÃamos incluirlo en el estilo Old School.
Este diseño es gigante! Comienza en el hombro derecho y termina en las costillas. Es gigante pero no ocupa la espalda completamente, solamente el lado derecho.
Hemos visto la palabra "Mamá" junto a corazones, junto a flores, junto a huellas pero nunca sobre una mariposa. Visto esto, solo nos queda decir que este motivo puede ir junto a cualquier cosa.
Otro diseño para terminar esta galerÃa que ya hemos visto muchas veces repetidos. No aporta ninguna nueva idea. No es más que otro diseño del mar.
Para finalizar nada mejor que terminar con un diseño en el pie, un lugar bastante popular dentro de este estilo. En este caso pertenece a un hombre a pesar de que las mujeres optan más por esta zona del cuerpo. Espero que os haya gustado.
¿Qué opina una chica sobre estos diseños?
No conseguirán sacarme una palabra negativa sobre esta sección, pues ¿quién soy yo para comentar u opinar sobre el amor hacia los padres? No puedo más que declarar mi admiración por los que eligen este diseño por delante de cualquier otro, por los que deciden llevar a su madre o padre durante toda la vida en la piel además de en el corazón. No es este el único signo de amor que podemos dedicarle a nuestros padres, pero no os olvidéis de declarar vuestro amor por vuestros padres siempre que podáis, ¡sea de la forma que sea!